14. The Deal with Psychometric Testing

Welcome back to the Beyond the Shop Floor podcast.

Myers Briggs, DiSC profiling, Personality Plus, 13 personalities - chances are you have seen psychometric testing somewhere, from the recruitment process to even the world of dating "ENTJ seeks fellow extrovert but someone who will let me be in charge - ALWAYS!" what's the deal with psychometric testing and how are they used in a hiring process? 

This week we explore all sides of the coin with Psychometric testing - exploring what you benefit as an individual and if and how you might prepare for one if it is introduced as a part of a Hiring Process. We also look at why companies introduced testing as part of their process and how they actually use the results to determine hiring outcomes.

Tune in as we give you the low down in this weeks episode of Beyond the Shop Floor.

As always tune in, tell us your thoughts, and if you love the content please leave us a review or share the pod – we love the love!

Your dream job awaits! Connect with your host Ange Millar to find out more, ange@thetalentmill.com.au

Carly Stirling

Creative Designer, Melbourne Australia


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