06. Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Welcome back to the Beyond the Shop Floor podcast.

When do you know when you should pull the pin on your job? Do redundancies and administration mean you should hightail it out of there? and can you turn a bad situation around and make it successful?

tune in to this week's podcast with Ange and Lauren where we discuss our own experiences of times we have skipped out after a few weeks, times we stayed around longer than we should have, and times we turned it around which led to amazing career success! 

Plus Lauren has an amazing career update to share with us! Tune in, leave us some feedback, and please rate our pod if you want to hear more! 

Your dream job awaits! Connect with your host Ange Millar to find out more, ange@thetalentmill.com.au

Carly Stirling

Creative Designer, Melbourne Australia


07. The Entrepreneur Edition


05. The Confidence Episode