Bree on 2023 - Reflection, lessons & reminders.

We chatted candidly to own very own Bree, who spent some time reflecting on the year that was in 2023 and how she navigated some huge personal and professional changes. Her outlook was so insightful, that we had to share.

For Bree, 2023 came with an immense amount of growth - moving home, starting a new job, trying a new sport and most drastically, a monumental shift in mindset.

Summarizing Bree's experiences, she reflects on key themes, creating space, consistency, discomfort and development.

For Bree, changing her environment was key to the initial shift in mindset, in her case - moving home. Creating space and reflecting on what served her, what she wanted life to look like and in turn, making moves in the direction which supported her goals.

We've often heard of the power that exercise endorphins can generate - Bree concurs. "New hobbies gave me new goals to achieve, it helped to keep me inspired." She started running and prioritizing fitness, not in a smash-yourself-every-day way, rather as an intuitive tool. "Listen and adapt to how your body is feeling - thrive in the high vibe days and slow down on the low energy days".

Secondly - consistency. "You can’t change yourself overnight, small habit changes and consistency creates momentum which leads to overall positive change." says Bree. She took us through incremental changes that she's made, "They can be small, like getting up 30 mins earlier, writing your to-do lists the night before or drinking more water. If you forget to do it one day, then start again tomorrow, as day one is better than one day!" The thing with consistency it seems, is that it takes time to see substantial change, but with repetition comes reform.

"Getting comfortable being uncomfortable." Growth is a result of creating a new pathway, one which by default (as it is new), will be uncomfortable. For Bree, she made it her goal to do things this year that she thought she could never do - a 10km run was on the agenda! Often classifying herself as ‘not a runner’ she completed her run and consequently the belief in her ability skyrocketed, the restrictive way she viewed herself and her skills was now replaced by an expansive mindset.

As Bree reflects on her journey, she makes note, "I've learnt lessons this year, ones that don't just apply to my personal life, but rather have had huge application professionally, and some major personal changes can denote huge change particularly as it relates to our careers".

"Remember, it takes time to understand a role, build new skills and get confident. It can be uncomfortable starting a new job or career where you must learn new skills or step up to manage a team. There's still 6 weeks left of 2023, which means you still have time to start taking action and get ready to smash out a new year before it has even begun!"

If you are ready for a new role, career change or are feeling lost in your job search, you can reach out to Bree or Team TM for a confidential chat.


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