Preparing For Your Job Interview

Interviews definitely get the nerves going for most of us!

Nerves are a great sign, if you weren’t nervous at all – how much do you really want the job? But too many nerves and it can get in the way of a great performance and of how you would like to be perceived.

With a large percentage of communication coming from nonverbal communication (a whopping 83%!!) Follow our tips to ensure you nail that interview and get your dream job!

Tick tock….

Being late for an interview is not a great look – although it could be something as simple as a car accident (and believe us we know those happen!) But arriving late because of poor planning can give the impression of some rather negative attributes – disorganized, lack of attention to detail and dare we say not respectful of the other persons time to name a few.

Plan your route the day before and give yourself enough travel time in case there are disruptions. At best you will have time for a coffee and to run through your preparation again. At worst you arrive with 5-10 minutes to spare.

Which brings us to our next point – arriving 30 minutes or more, early and you could be putting pressure or stress on the person you are meeting due to their commitments for the day. 10 minutes early and they will be loving your punctuality!

If an unavoidable delay occurs – make sure you have the contact details of your recruiter or the person you are meeting to let them know as a courtesy.

Research, Research Research!

With so much information at your fingertips there are no excuses for being unprepared!

If you are applying for a role with a company that has a bricks and mortar store – then get on in there! Every role in Head Office has a collaborative effort into the result (what’s in store!) and your constructive feedback and the extra effort goes a long way to showing your enthusiasm for the company. Not to mention the insight you can glean about the company from a visit.

Check out their online presence, social platforms, collaborations, notable appointments, or news pieces.

What about the amount of employees listed on LinkedIn – in the department you might be working in, all of this gives you an idea of the company size, potential progression opportunities, and growth plans.

What is their ethos? Who is their customer? What about their competitors?

All of the above goes a long way to ensuring you stand out from the rest of YOUR competition.

Who are you meeting?

Take time to understand who you are meeting, what their role is and how long they have been with the company. If you can’t find this information – it forms a great question during the interview!

Remember that you might be meeting someone from HR, a department head, the Owner etc so ensure you have the persons full name at hand when you arrive.

Arrive prepared

When you are initially invited to interview, ask if you need to bring anything. They may require proof of right to work or another copy of your CV and portfolio (which we advise bringing regardless). It’s always a good idea to bring a notepad and pen in case you are informed of anything new regarding the role or a project is part of the next step!

Know your CV

Your recruiter should have already comprehensively interviewed you and highlighted any areas of your CV that may cause question. Unexplained gaps, unusual progression, or career paths may be highlighted to gain clarity at interview. Make sure you know the layout of your CV and general dates of employment.

Know who you would utilise as a reference, and what your salary and benefits expectations are.

First impressions count

We don't need to tell you to arrive professionally dressed and well groomed. Check out our blog post on Interpreting Dress Codes for more information!

And on that note, plenty of eye contact, a firm handshake and positive body language all infer confidence and will ensure you nail that first impression.

Any questions?

Coming up with questions on the spot is hard, if a Hiring Manager is thorough, they will most likely have answered majority of your questions throughout the interview. But preparing questions pre- interview is a great idea, it really shows your engagement in the company and role. You could ask if there is room for progression within your role, travel opportunities, questions about the culture or size of the company, how they like to manage their team etc!

Preparation is key! Chat to your luxury and premium recruitment specialists at The Talent Mill for more information on how to get your dream job!

Are you ready to find your dream job?

Carly Stirling

Creative Designer, Melbourne Australia

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